Mindful Nature Event

Mindfulness Training

Comprehensive 1-day Workshop

29 September | 9am to 4pm

About this Workshop

The workshop will help you develop skills of "Mindsight" - the ability to regulate the process and contents of the mind through Mindfulness Training (MT).

MT may be viewed as a form of "mental gym" with research proven benefits for physical and psychological health. MT changes both the function and structure of the brain (neuroplasticity). Positive impact of MT has been scientifically demonstrated in numerous areas: stress, anxiety, anger, depression, chronic pain, the immune system, trauma, relationships, communication, enhanced work performance, etc. etc. etc.

Course content

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Definitions and Origins in Western Psychology. Research proven benefits, Neuroscience of MT and resilience building, From the fight/flight/freeze stress response to mindful responding; moving from auto-pilot mindlessness attention/awareness.


Informal and Formal: Body Scan, Anchoring in Breath; Emotional regulation; Self-compassion; Mindfulness in Nature; Loving Kindness; Noble silence; Everyday mindfulness (Eating; walking; sitting; movement; communication)
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Presented by:
Dr Kantha Pillay

Dr Kantha Pillay is a Clinical Psychologist in private practice with over 25 years of experience. Her Doctoral research at Wits University focused on the benefits of Mindfulness Training (MT).


  • Certificate of Attendance
  • Online resources
  • Guided meditations
  • Reading material
  • Morning & afternoon tea
  • Snacks
  • Two-course lunch (by ButterMeUp Gourmet catering of Hermanus)
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"Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally”
– John Kabat-Zinn

Mindfulness Training

1-Day Workshop
All are welcome. This workshop will suit beginners as well as those with experience in MT. In the spirit of "beginner's mind", we are all learning!

Benefits of Mindfulness:
  • Physical Health: Insomnia; immunity; hypertension; pain control
  • Psychological Health: Stress, anxiety, memory, depression, attention, cognitive abilities, selfawareness, etc.
  • Relationships: Empathy, communication, conflict resolution
  • Workplace Functioning: Focus, productivity, job satisfaction, creativity, resilience, emotional intelligence
DATE: 29 September
TIME: 9am - 4pm
INVESTMENT: R1650 (early bird only R1500)

Part of the fee may be claimed back from your Medical Aid. Please enquire.

❤ Part of the fee will sponsor similar pro-bono workshops for HAWS and other community-based organizations.

Limited numbers for individualized training.
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Bookings & Enquiries

Please fill in the form below, or contact Dr Kantha Pillay directly:
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